CPA Winnie Chitai

Head Of Group Finance

Winnie Chitai is a dynamic and visionary financial leader, spearheading the helm of Financial Management firms with finesse and strategic acumen. As a seasoned professional, she exerts her expertise in orchestrating financing, investment, and liquidity decisions, ensuring astute fiscal governance for optimal organizational success. With over seven years of distinguished experience, Winnie has honed her skills in both internal and external audit across diverse industries, including financial services, stock brokerage, hospitality, nonprofit entities, manufacturing, and agriculture. Her prowess extends to monitoring capital expenditure projects, executing tax planning initiatives, and playing a pivotal role in board-level decision-making processes.

Winnie’s academic journey is a testament to her commitment to excellence. Armed with a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Finance and Accounting from Strathmore University, she has further fortified her credentials as a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (CPA-K). Currently pursuing an MBA in Strategic Management at Daystar University, Winnie is dedicated to continuous learning and staying at the forefront of industry trends. As a distinguished member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK), Winnie embodies the intersection of academic brilliance and practical acumen, ensuring a holistic approach to financial leadership. Her multifaceted expertise positions her as a trailblazer in the field, consistently contributing to the success and growth of the organizations she serves. In every role she undertakes, Winnie’s commitment to excellence, strategic insight, and unwavering dedication make her a standout professional in financial management services.

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